Our Rates

Current Hourly Rate and Fee Structures

All services provided by the Professional Fiduciary, whether while acting as Trustee, Power of Attorney, Executor and/or Health Care Agent, and/or providing other fiduciary services to a Client, are billed at an Hourly Rate, unless otherwise governed by law or Court order.

  • The current Hourly Rate for the Professional Fiduciary ranges from $250.00-$350.00.
  • Rates are reviewed annually, and are subject to change upon sixty days’ written notice.
  • All services are billed in increments of tenths of an hour (.1=6 minutes), rounded to the next tenth.
  • Telephone calls and travel time are billable at the Hourly Rate.

Alternative Fee Structures: Because we want you and your family to receive the services you need, and only those services, we are happy to discuss unbundled and bundled services at different hourly rates and/or a fixed monthly fee.

  • If the document appointing the Professional Fiduciary provides for a different fee structure other than an hourly rate, that document will govern the payment of the Professional Fiduciary’s fees. The Professional Fiduciary may also agree to payment for his/her services under an alternative fee structure such as a percentage of the assets under management or a fixed monthly fee, and such arrangements must be separately set forth in writing and signed by the Professional Fiduciary and the Client.
  • In some instances, our rates may be governed by statute and/or set by Court Order.

Costs and Third-Party Fees:  The Professional Fiduciary shall also be reimbursed for all reasonable costs and expenses incurred in performing his or her duties, at the direct rate of the cost or expense incurred.

  • The Hourly Rate does not apply to the fees of third-party professionals who provide services for the benefit of the Client including, but not limited to, accountants, appraisers, attorneys, bookkeepers, care managers/providers, consultants, investment advisors, property managers, realtors, and tax professionals.
  • Fees for those professionals will be directly passed on to the Client.


Professional Fiduciaries of San Diego, Inc.
6336 Greenwich Drive, Suite C
San Diego, CA 92122

EMAIL:  [email protected]

CALL:  (619) 752-3220

FAX:  (619) 752-3260

WEB:  www.pfosd.com


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